Welcome to that moment when you finally acknowledge that thing, that something inside of you that is trying to come out - a part of you that desperately wants to be set free.
You might not be sure what it is or what it looks like, but you can no longer deny that it's there.
You're not sure what to do, because as humans, especially women, we rarely let it out, if ever. For a million reasons...
We've been ourselves too many times in the past, and we were hurt by criticism for our flaws, or just our differences from others. But... this is why our own healing and growth is literally the most important part of life.
Not so other people will like us, but so we will like ourselves.
So we will value ourselves.
This over-independence makes us feel strong, but it is actually a trauma response keeping us safe from the risks of being completely true to ourselves and from learning to accept healthy support.
We are so afraid of being needy, judged, or at the mercy of others again, that we won't even explore what healthy support is.
No matter how well-intentioned, we allowed ourselves to become lost - in our spouse, children, work, church, something else...
We put ourselves last, just to wake up one day to a stranger in the mirror.
We don't know what we want. It feels like nothing can make it better, so we close off even more.
Transformation is shedding what you're not, to reveal who YOU REALLY ARE.
It's not about changing into someone you're not.
It's about releasing the programming that was imposed upon you, to reveal the real, higher you.
It's time to listen.
I assure you that no matter which of these four painful reasons, or countless other reasons, we use as excuses to hold ourselves back...
...when your inner, higher self starts making itself known and starts pressuring you to let it out, a LOT can happen in a short time that will flip your story on its head.
For me, the first time, it was 30 days to put me on an entirely new and unbelievable trajectory, when I tripled my income and, more importantly, was empowered to leave my abusive marriage and never look back.
There's a whole story there, but let me just say for now that between my history of depression, self-loathing, that marriage, and my deep indoctrination of shame and fear, there was no way I could make the impossible possible...
And yet... I did.
And you can too.
So what do we do?
We wake up and show up!
You don't actually need me. You don't need this program. Hell, I didn't have this program.
You just need to wake up and show up.
The only reason it's not that easy to do is because of our nature at a subconscious level.
Just because our conscious mind recognizes that we can just let go and live, doesn't mean our subconscious mind will allow us to do that.
Quite the opposite—it will do everything it can to stop us.
This isn't something to fear, though.
This is actually something to embrace, because once aware of the process at a subconscious level, you can recognize what's happening every step of the way and act accordingly.
This is where the deep healing occurs.
And that healing is the most beautiful thing.
This beautiful healing is exactly why Awake Alive Authentically Fierce is here for you.
Plus, it's wickedly fun!
Transformation is intense work and after a decade of coaching I finally realized if I could "Patch Adams" the hell out of this work, it would be not just more fun, but even more effective.
So come ready for intensity and fun.
Seriously, though, if your intense work has to stay "intense and serious" for you to accept its efficacy, then this program might not be for you. Yet.
Rest assured, we take pain and trauma very seriously, but we don't stay there. This is about TRANSFORMATION, which means you're going to move forward.
If you're not ready to move forward, then you might just need to do a little more work on your own through the teachings and growth process (our free Facebook group, 7-Star Phoenix Warrior Life Transformations is perfect for that), and when you ARE ready to move forward, let go, and allow yourself to really be you, then we want you right back here!
This also isn't for you if you are looking to be saved. Literally no one but you can do this for you. Just like no one could do it for me.
I spent far too much time and money trying to be saved, just to still feel like a loser who couldn't figure anything out.
The instant that I became aware that THAT was why I was still stuck, I started taking ownership of the process within myself until I gained more confidence and trust in myself.
I needed that. I had gone as far as I could, and I needed to step up.
If you're in that position, I know you want everything to change right now, but it CAN'T if any part of you thinks something outside of you is the answer.
Outside support? Yes. Absolutely.
Saving you? No. That's not how any of this works.
Awake Alive Authentically Fierce is the experience to help you awaken what is already inside, enabling it to come alive, and to manifest itself with authentic ferocity.
That something inside is YOU.
If you can completely surrender to that concept, then this will be the most amazing ten weeks of your life.
And your reward will be that you get to live life on YOUR TERMS.
You get to rediscover, or discover for the first time, what you actually want in life and then you get to experience it. Fully.
For me, that's training and teaching Kung Fu for yin/yang balance, healthy, and longevity.
That's sharing what I've learned with others through social media, speaking, teaching, and hosting you in this transformation experience, we can all experience more of what we want in life.
That's playful moments with my wonderful, supportive, and loving partner, and sharing every aspect of my life with him.
That's paddleboarding on a gorgeous lake surrounded by birds and dragonflies every summer weekend.
What is that for you?
If you don't know yet, you will!
Ooooohhhh beautiful, I can't give away all of my surprises, but I can tell you I've got deep healing and transformational work for you, packaged in fun, with some happy tears mixed in.
And support. Lots of support.
And in a way that will balance the push and pull of an overwhelmed life into peaceful clarity and alignment of our divine yin (feminine, receiving, inner) and yang (actions, goals, outward) aspects.
While everyone’s goals and dreams are different, the healing and transformation process is the same, because this process is a natural function of Existence.
As such, that makes this naturally aligned process: the most efficient path for growth the most powerful shifts for long-lasting change, and the most empowering, enabling you to create, receive, and experience your magical, motivational, seemingly out-of-reach dreams.
It’s your time to experience them.
It’s easier with support.
It’s more fun with friends.
You don’t have to do it alone.
Awaken to the beautiful truth about who you really are.
We're going deep into the Spirit of the Sparrow, which resides in the inner parts of you.
If you don't know what's truly serving you and what is the most insidious program holding you back, then your efforts to grow can only take you so far.
That's why we go deep and hyper-self-aware here, because this is where REAL and LASTING transformation happens.
We're also going to make the most powerful shift in our first session that will change absolutely everything.
Be there live and ready for your new life.
Nurture and develop your core root system.
We continue with the Spirit of the Sparrow to build our root system of nurture and ownership of ourselves, upon which everything else in our lives depends.
We'll raise the bar on the core elements that open us up to awe-inspiring magic in our lives daily.
This magic doesn't come from harmful and distracting "magical thinking," but is the natural result of conscious action aligned with aware thinking.
It comes from the real you, and it's beautiful.
The more you surrender to the learning and implementation this week in a way that aligns with you, the more magical it will be! <3
Branching out to the fulness of our lives.
With our beautiful root system and flowing energy in place, we invoke the Spirit of the Crane to expand outward and present our awakened self to our lover, our friends, our children, our work, our clients...
This is also where we get to envision ourselves in that one place with that one thing that will make the biggest impact in our lives over the remaining six weeks of the program.
What is that one thing for you?
Is it finally breaking out of the never-ending healing cycle, as an actual healed person and sharing your story?
Is it embracing your emotional and sexual energy for greater intimacy with your partner?
Is it getting out from under that one project that HAS to be done but has actually taken you almost a decade to face?
Is it getting your business off the ground?
Is it being a leader, mentor, and guide to 10 new clients?
Is it shattering that next income barrier to triple your income?
This one aligned experience you choose to hone in on will be both a measuring tool and a reward for your inner transformation.
It is not who you are nor is it an indication of your worth.
But it is hella motivating to have this new impactful, outward experience in magical balance with your inner transformation!
What badassery will your real self do in six weeks?
The divine, dual flow of expanding and receiving.
Our full potential to receive vitally depends on our energetic inward-to-outward flow remaining relaxed, fully open, and lively.
This week is all about how we do that from within ourselves AND in our action efforts.
It's about how embracing the Spirit of the Praying Mantis is a key part of that yin/yang flow balance during this stage of our transformation.
Opening flow disruptors & breaking out of the insidious victim cycle.
It's going to happen.
There will be a moment when you think you can't, "evidence" shows you you can't, defeating victim language will come out of your mouth, and you are going to want to pull back and hide within yourself.
This is a natural part of the process as your subconscious programming faces the imminent change and tries to keep you "safely" the same.
This is a GOOD thing because this is where we really get to be aware of what's going on at our core!
And that's the perfect time to rewire our core programming to something that propels us rather than stunts us.
The more this happens in Awake Alive Authentically Fierce and beyond, the less scary, and painful, and the easier, faster, and more efficient your breakthroughs become.
I will personally guide you through these moments to embrace the Spirit of the Tiger, so your desire to hide will become your desire to thrive and you will use it to get you where you want to go faster.
Don't be afraid of it.
Embrace the feelings.
Welcome the insights with open arms.
And trust this critical experience is FOR your transformation.
Nurturing your grove of connections with others.
Since we started showing up as our real selves, our relationships have been impacted, for better or for worse.
It is fully up to others if they will adjust to us being us, but there are certainly things we can do to give it the best chance possible.
They may even be motivated to wake up and show up and their best selves too!
We can hope.
In the meantime, we've got to learn how to proactively stay in our authenticity and use it as a positive connection with others.
Be ready to step out of your world and into theirs in a way that is true to you, respects them, and will forever change how we interact with our loved ones and our community.
Crank it up to 11! Final releases and transformations.
Our Tree of Life has arrived at its moment of individual glory, has its place in the grove of our relationships and community, and is thriving no matter the weather.
Now it's time to prune and dress it up to release into that final breakthrough moment.
Personally, trees adorned with white lights throughout their branches, especially during winter when the leaves are gone, are my favorite. This visual keeps the magic alive for me.
But we're not just going to visualize, we are going to completely surrender to whatever is needed, internally or externally, to make our arrival at ourselves and at our goal reality.
This is the moment when in the past we sabotaged ourselves, but this time is different because we did it differently and we are different.
What are you willing to fine-tune and embrace in order to love yourself more than you ever have before?
...In order to break out of the healing cycle and actually be healed?
...In order to live in new or improved circumstances that add to the magic?
This is the time to do it.
Feast on our fruits and adapt to our new normal.
You did it.
Look at where you were when you started this journey.
Look at where you were when you first started to transform, long before this particular journey.
Look at where you are now, at week 10.
You woke up.
You came alive.
You are authentic.
You are fiercely you.
And because of that, you are validated more than you ever imagined, and you don't even need it anymore.
You are unashamed and confident in your own skin.
You have succeeded in your "branching out" achievement - what a difference has that made and will continue to make in your life?
And you have succeeded at the most important part of life - being and loving the real you.
Your journey isn't over. You'll create an adaption plan so the changes stick.
Then standing on that new fierceness, what will you do next?
This client went on to share how her progress has enabled her to reach her previously
evasive and seemingly impossible business and household budget goals.
While the goals are amazing and absolutely improved her life, her feeling on fire and in natural flow
were the keys that brought balance and joy to her success.
That deserves repeating she was ready to step into the woman God created her to be, instead of who she thought she was. <3
And so she did.
Tanisha usually works with this client on balancing her life with her 7-figure business, business strategy, processing emotions and gaining clarity. It was a natural extension when it came to helping her navigate this tough situation her daughter was going through.
The ripple effect in action.
A year later, this woman shared her milestone successes!
Weight and health concerns were just one area impacted by this client's root issues. While Tanisha doesn't specialize in weight loss, any area impacted by the core will improve as the core improves.
This woman also reached out to share that Tanisha's impact "saved her life." That's heavy statement to sit with, even for a transformation coach, and it is not shared here as a tooted horn.
It's shared as awareness about how critical transformation work is and how powerful the person actually doing the work is in their own lives.
She said it because she attributed her ability to do it to her massive internal shift that occurred in her work with Tanisha, and yes, that work helped her.
But HER awareness, confidence, and motivation rose and led her to stop avoiding and start taking proactive steps with her health. In doing so, she discovered some very serious issues that would have been even more dire had she not caught them when she did. From there, she was able to face her reality and make some critical changes in her life.
SHE had to make that shift and take that action. No one could do that for her.
We are so proud of her and honored to be a part of her amazing journey.
6th Degree Kung Fu Master
Transformation Coach
DVSA Survivor
(150 Husbands, A Memoir for Hope & Transformation coming soon)
Tanisha has been training in Shao-lin Kung Fu for 25 years, since 1997 (which includes self-defense, weapons, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, meditation, etc.) In 2011, she acquired her school in Colorado Springs as owner and head instructor.
Shortly after that, she began supporting women and men in their awakenings and transformations in a coaching capacity, which has been powerful work for her and them.
While she loves nothing more than to see those she serves have epiphany and breakthrough after epiphany and breakthrough, she knows none of her involvement in that would be possible if she hadn't already achieved her greatest success—to actually, truly love herself.
Her healing journey is forever etched in her soul through two major awakenings:
One, when she discovered for the first time that she mattered and had actual power in her life. This caused her to both triple her income and leave her abusive marriage in 30 days.
And two, when a few years later she woke up and separated herself from her primary source of shame, fear, and growth-stunting programming. This was the pivotal awakening which soon led to her greatest and most meaningful personal success of loving herself.